RECAP Application Programming Interface (API)
The RECITE RECAP API is a fully featured, flexible tool that can be used to integrate the recording solution with virtually any external third-party software that can communicate over TCP/IP.
API Features:
▸ Includes intuitive sample demo application to assist developers with API integration
▸ Enables client applications to control and access various RECITE system functions
▸ Provides ability to query RECITE system entities for a variety of actions, including data retrieval, add, update, and delete actions
▸ Includes provisioning API for RECITE Service Provider Edition
▸ APIs are available for REST and WCF/Soap clients
▸ Not Included with all RECITE versions
▸ Streamline and improve the business process by integrating the RECITE recording solution with your existing and future applications
▸ Quick turn-around on integration work
▸ Reduce professional service charges by using the API sample demo application
▸ Improve productivity by being able to play back and view recorded interactions through your CRM solution