TDM Recording

TDM Recording

TDM Types:

Digital Trunk (PRI/T1/E1)

▸ When recording TDM environments, a physical connection is required for each trunk. Digital trunks accommodate multiple voice channels over one circuit.
▸ Line interface cards are used to interface with digital and analog trunks in order to record calls.
▸ The RECITE recorder gathers matching information via CTI or SMDR in order to provide detailed information about the recorded call, including date/time of call, extension information, agent information, caller ID and number dialed.
▸ Only calls passing through the trunks will be recorded, eliminating internal-to-internal calls.

There are two types of call recording for TDM trunks: Passive and Active Recording.

Passive Recording is completely transparent to a telephone system. A passive integration involves the recorder passively sniffing (monitoring) a network for audio and call information to copy to the recorder. There is no impact to the telephone system at all.

Active Recording involves a switch-level integration that requires additional data from a CTI application from the PBX or a third-party vendor. This additional data facilitates an extended set of call controls, delivering greater flexibility and functionality as a result of the interaction between the call recorder and the PBX.


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